An Invitation
If you are reading this, most likely you or someone you know is in need for new smile. You probably have seen many other web sites with a lot of confusing and same old information, yet you are wondering where to seek help for these dental needs.
What’s Advanced Dental Implant Solutions?
Advanced Dental Implant Solutions in Fort Worth is a unique and particular option for you: we are experienced prosthodontist in implant dentistry with real charisma for our patients. Advanced Dental Implant Solutions is lead by Prosthodontist Dr. Jorge Gonzalez, who has approximately 20 years of experience in dentistry. Former Clinical Professor and Director for the Center for Maxillofacial Prosthodontics at Baylor College of Dentistry in Dallas, TX for nearly 13 years. Learn more
Our Services
From basic dental hygiene to crowns and bridges, veneers, dental implants, All on 4 to maxillofacial prosthodontics. Learn more
Advanced Dental Implant Solutions is proud to be a leader in dental technology, from experienced prosthodontist to 3d scans, to 3d printing to intra-oral scans, softwares and much more !
Zirconia Hybrid Prosthesis
Upper Zirconia and lower conventional acrylic prostheses
Anatomical shape Zirconia Hybrid Prosthesis
I have personally designed this web site with excellent quality pictures and just a few words (a picture is worth a 1000 words), so that you will find “what we can do for you” and easily judge if this kind of implant dentistry is what you are looking for. I can also ensure you that every single treatment and picture you see on this web site, is my own work.